Friday, February 20, 2009

Today is my best day

Today is my best day because i got 2 see my boyfriend a lot of times. Well, although i can see that he isn't in the mood today but i am very happy because i get 2 see him during cf today. Usually he will be at the pa side there n help out 2 do the sound system. Well, i am very happy 4 him because he was back up singer n i seriously can see that he really does worship God with all his heart. Well, i am very happy that he is outside there worshipping God. Well, today get 2 see him all the while when i am in cf. Well, after cf n his metting today he ask me wheter i need a leave back i say don't need because Christine who always fetch me back can fetch me back. He ask me wheter he should come or not tomorrow. I say anything lah. But today during tuition i msg i ask him wheter he can come or not but he say wheter i wants him 2 be there or not. so i yes, then he agreed.


  1. LAwl
    Stepanyaki, why would I stalk his empty tight butt?? LOL

    See, I told you he cares about you..
    He emo-ed today, but when it was CF, pulak, he's got a big smile.. LOL
    Have fun with him in the evening.!
    Oooo.. XP

  2. Oh yeah.. Get a CBox..
    1. Google it
    2. Subscribe/Be a member
    3. Copy/paste link from there to Blogger
    4. Taa-daa...
    5. I can't wait to see him say anything there then.. :P

  3. *MAGIC*
    A CBOX.
    jessica cheah you owe me big time.
